Wednesday, January 21, 2015

The Lure of Travel

Florence, Duomo, architectureWhat makes traveling so fascinating to the people who have a passion for it? For some, I think that it’s the mystery of a new adventure in a new place. For others, it may be the architecture, food, people, geography, or even the history that peaks a person’s interest. 

The familiarity of a destination can become sort of a home away from someone’s native home and create a desire to travel. Personally, travel for me is a way to immerse myself in a new culture and see the world from a new perspective. 

How do daily functions differ from the way we do things at home? What are the mechanics of the language and how is it used? Signage, money, rules, attire; all things that we don’t think about on a daily basis and rarely question. Celebrations, customs, and traditions can all be eye opening opportunities.

Just about everyone experiences the lure of travel. It goes back to the thought that we all want what we don’t have. When you live in a place for awhile, you begin to take for granted the treasures within your own city. To someone who has never had the chance to see the same sights or have the same experiences that you have everyday is what entices them to travel.

What does having the opportunity to travel mean to you? What do you look forward to most  when venturing to a new destination?


  1. I love to travel too. I wish I could just travel and make it a profession for myself. I actually was fortunate to visit turkey during the winter break in 2014. it is definitely one of the most beautiful places I have been to. If in future you're planning a trip I would definitely recommend you to visit this place. you will be amazed by the culture and the architecture over there.
