Monday, February 2, 2015

Pure Michigan

Ah, winter in Michigan..where waking up the next morning means tunneling your way out of your  own house. You already know my feelings on snow if you follow me on Twitter. I’m literally counting down the days (467) until graduation and then promptly moving south: no ifs, ands, or buts. Today I was planning on posting about gender roles and everyday customs of men and women in Italy. However, I felt that the Snowpocalypse 2.0 would be a perfect opportunity for me to not only vent, but also show you pure Michigan in her prime during the winter season. Stay tuned if you’re curious because that post will be coming shortly!

snowstorm, winter, michigan, snow, shovel, driveway

If you stopped by to simply view the picture on this page, thank you, feel free to stop reading this post and look around the blog even further (I promise you’ll find warmer posts). If you’re interested in my pain/share the same angst for winter or snow and you want to read my rant, continue reading on.

A fluid stream of consciousness:

  • I despise snow and the winter season in general. And I’m not sure why I still live in Michigan. It’s a state that just continues to toy with your emotions as far as the weather goes. 

  • Start a new pin-spiration board: my one year plan to move south, or west..Cali sounds nice right about now. Let’s do this. Motivation is at an all time high.

  • I’m currently listening to the news right now, 18” in one night. Go home Michigan, you’re drunk. Kudos to everyone who lives in a place that constantly deals with a large amount of snow. Someone has to do it.

  • I rarely venture home from campus in Detroit. This weekend was one of those rare occasions. Thanks for the not-so-subtle hint Michigan.

  • Proud girl moment: I shoveled the driveway by myself. My back is already letting me know how much it loves my pride. 

  • On that note (just a random thought) is shoveling snow considered to be a man’s job? In my attempts to get people talking, you tell me in the comments below. (I still managed to stick something about gender roles into this post.)

  • School was cancelled today, that’s rad. More time for homework. Snow days just don’t mean the same in college as they did back in high school…

  • Fudge, I still have to make it back to Detroit tonight and acquire gas before making the trek. 

Let me know in the comments if you were one of the lucky Michiganders that had the pleasure of getting snowed in last night. If you’re bored and in need of something to do: tweet me or browse my Pinterest page!


  1. Ah! There was a huge pile up of snow right in front of my apartment this morning over 2 feet tall! I feel your pain. Good luck driving back, and be safe!

  2. well said Allie! personally, hating snow and cold as well, i will gladly stay inside and bake, cook, clean, make cocoa...(pretty much) anything to avoid shoveling or anything out of doors! men LOVE working machines, (such as snow blowers, snowplows) they also tend to be much hardier in the cold weather, therefore; i am going to say yes! its more of a mens job!

  3. Promptly moving south xDD No kidding!!

  4. This winter, I just can't anymore.

  5. I also hope to move to California :) peace Michigan
